
Glen Golf Club

Course Status

Course fully open. Updated: 21st Mar 2025

Mon 24
Tue 25
Wed 26


We currently have a waiting list for membership. To be added simply complete the application form and submit it along with a £100 non-refundable deposit to the Starters. This £100 will be deducted from the first years subscription.

A £100 non-refundable deposit is payable at the time of submitting this application. This will be deducted from the first year's subscription payment.
A joining fee of £250 is payable on admittance to the Club.

If the applicant does not have a sponsor within this Club, then a letter of introduction from a current or previous golf club
Secretary will be considered. If you are applying to be a member of a golf club for the first time or have any queries about
the Club, please contact our Managing Secretary, Tom McGinley, who will be happy to discuss Membership of the Club
with you.

General Data Protection Regulation 2018
On submitting this membership application form, the applicant is agreeing to the Club holding and using personal
information about them and processing such information in the course of the Club’s business. You are also agreeing that the
club may disclose such information to third parties in accordance with the said act.
Article 1 of the above act protects the fundamental rights and freedoms of individual persons, in particular the protection of
personal data.

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